Tagging Classic Music albums with Mp3tag for iTunes and Last.fm
I realized a lot of people having trouble with tagging Classic music. Initially, I got into Classical music to take up this challenge but now I am hooked into it because of its nice sophisticated melodies. There has to be a very straight forward way of tagging music. The ID3v2 specification provides us frames for the following tags that can be used to organize classical music: Artist AlbumArtist Conductor OriginalArtist Composer Album Name My goal is to devise a plan to fit all of these tags into Classical music appropriately, so that the Classic music composers will appear in Last.fm statistics music will be organized and displayed well in iTunes The primary focus is given to how the music is organized. This means tagging conventions for track names is not one of the primary concerns in this article. First we familiarise ourselves with the ID3v2 frames for the tags above. TPE1 The 'Lead artist/L...