Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1

Time to reinstall both backup and main OS. I have a few things to correct with this installation. Last time I noticed the HDD sequence in BIOS wasn't proper. Somehow the MUSIC drive has become HDD0 so the boot folder of Vista is there now.

This is the order it will be after today.

  1. WD7500JB - BACKUP
  2. ST3500 - WINDOWS/DOCS
  3. ST5750 - SERVER
  4. WD3000JB - MUSIC

The reordering is going to invalidate the currently installed OSes. So reinstallation of OS is a must unless I waste time on how to get them back.

The BACKUP will have Windows XP SP3. Program Files and Documents and Settings folders will be in BACKUP also as Applications and Users. I will not install Vista yet.


Installing Nero 8 Lite now to burn the Windows XP SP3 CD.


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