DVD2WMV Encoder 1.0 ALPHA Started

Now it's under active development. The main challenge is WMEncoder refusing AviSynth script files. While writing the CCE to WMV guide this idea was to born to create a tool to calculate the total time of a movie. This will be added to DVD2WMV Encoder -- not as a standalone executable but integrated, so that the values can be used by the WM9 Bitrate Calulator part to determine the target Video Bitrate.

0:41:38 + 0:39:15 + 0:39:11 = 0:119:64 = 1:59:64 = 1:60:04 = 2:00:04


Anonymous said…
mcored, I wanted to let you know I've been visiting your DVD to WMV guide site for some time now. Great work! I remember when this guide started on doom9.org forum. It's come a long way.

Anyhow, I use this guide mostly to backup my frequently watched "videos" onto my PVR or to have several videos on my laptop while on travel (ultra-light notebook DVD drives are usually external and not practical while flying, etc.). I got to thinking wouldn't it be great if there were some sort of program like DVDShrink, allowing almost a single button backup of your "Videos" but instead of creating a DVD compliant MPEG2 it creates a HD DVD WMV output (only not HD in size). More to the point, it would re-create the menus, chapters, etc. that were contained in the original DVD. If I had any programming skill I would start such an animal, but I only know enough to be a little dangerous. I've order the Microsoft Sample HD DVD in order to find out what it takes to create a HD DVD.

Do you think anyone would be interested in developing this? I would be more than happy to try and help where ever I can.

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